Fun show this past week
I had a fun week at a corporate job the other night. I was hired for an Oscars Award themed night for Executives of the banking industry here in New Zealand. The venue was amazing as it was held at the Civic Theatre in Auckland. It's an old theater that was recently refurbished and looks amazing. Here are a few photos from the show.
The BIG news this past week was also our son Jon-Paul's FIRST birthday! What a great time we all had. My wife and I actually thought the celebration was more for us as we survived the year as first time parents. The day was filled with dear friends and family and we all had the most amazing time. You have to ask yourself where on earth did the year go? Everybody tells us children grow up so quickly, and now I realise what they mean. It's been the most incredible year and we love every moment.
The next issue of VANISH MAGIC MAGAZINE is on the home stretch - and again I am astounded by the high caliber of contributors. Some really BIG names are now joining the team of writers. Our feature artist this month is none other than television superstar Keith Barry. I saw Keith work live recently and got a standing ovation. What an AMAZING performer!!