Thank you to everyone who has paid for a VANISH subscription. I have some very exciting news to share that I know you will love. Are you ready????
Your subscription now gives you FULL ACCESS to every issue of VANISH published in the past. This access is available only during the full year you have subscribed. Just to clarify, throughout the year of your subscription, you have 80 issues to enjoy, including the SPECIAL EDITIONS. This week you will receive an email inviting you to access the complete catalog so please watch for it so you won’t miss out. As always, if you have any problems, please contact me or the team at Joomag. This is new for me was well, I am still learning to navigate the software and its capabilities. Please note, in the near future, Vanish will be implementing additional interactive modifications.
I am delighted to offer another world exclusive with our cover issue featuring Leah Kyle and Florien Sainvet. You may have recently seen Leah on Penn & Teller's Fool Us, where she performed one of the most novel quick change/magic acts I've seen in a very long time. After watching this appearance I reached out to her and discovered her partnership with FISM champion Florien. We are lucky to be the first to share their story with you. Both have wonderful advice on creativity and are a superb example of teamwork, each bringing their own interests and skill-set to the act.
A very special thank you to Renée-Claude Auclair who translated the entire article from French to English.
A few years back I wrote an article pertaining to the future of Magic Clubs which caused quite a stir at the time, it focused on the need for magic organizations incorporating todays technology to keep members engaged. Many have, to a degree, however … CAM is about to revive the age-old-idea of the magic club/society and thrust it into future. CAM, the Canadian Association of Magicians, will launch their new website on October 31st, 2020, and it’s a game changer, a breath of fresh air in the world of magic. From what I've seen … I can report the future looks bright.
Nick Lewin has stepped up to review some of the online performances/shows gaining world-wide attention. He starts this month off with The Present and gives valuable insight for those using this medium or looking to to get in to it.
Finally, when I heard a new brick and mortar magic shop was opening in Las Vegas I had to reach out to the owners and find out more. We have their story in this edition and it's amazing to see them do what many would say is impossible. has been in business for many years, their bold move to open when others are going out of business during a pandemic, as well as starting a 'real' magic shop shows guts and determination, and most importantly HOPE.
VANISH focuses on supporting everyone who is doing something positive in the realm of magic and entertainment, therefore, please show your support by visiting their websites.
Stay Safe
Paul Romhany